Sunday, September 2, 2012

Do laxatives help you lose weight

Do Laxatives Help You Lose Weight ?

If you need to temporarly lose weight, laxatives can be a great alternative, it's a  relatively inexpensive method and it works when used over a short period.

This  diet method is fairly common and often used by Athletes and professions that require people to meet a certain weight or body fat percentage, such as Military Personnel.

I have used this method several times, starting approximately a week before taking The Army Physical Fitness Test, to assist in removing excess water weight and waste in my body.

There are many skeptics that question will laxatives help you lose weight

The answer is in the long term, this diet is not healthy and can cause damage to your kidneys 

If you are going for a short term weight loss program to drop a few pounds quickly and are smart about it
this program will work.

The Most Important aspect is to eat and drink water.

Below is a sample plan to succussfully lose weight.

Wake up and take a laxative, for additional benefit workout .

Eat Breakfast within a hour.

Take another laxative with lunch.

Take a laxative with dinner.

Every hour drink at least 2 glasses of water to ensure hydration, because the bowel movements may be loose and cause you to lose body hydration.

So if you decide that  this is the way that you want to take to lose weight then be sure that you have devised a plan, and are near a bathroom because this will make you not only lose weight but you will use the restroom too.

 In order to take laxatives in a healthy way it is important that they are taken in conjunction with supplements that restore important anti-oxidants to the body.

Also be smart about choosing what laxatives help you lose weight


Jennifer Taylor

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